Huguette Martel
Huguette Martel’s work entitled “Animals I have known, and some I haven’t” is a series of petit oil paintings accompanied with short essays about the artist’s life. Through the animals Martel gives us a glimpse of her life; “Cows” and “Goats” depict her childhood in France, and the “Dogs” tell of her summers in Vermont later in life. “Donkeys” and “Blue Footed Boobies” are labeled as occasional meetings and fantastic creatures respectively. The paintings are exquisite, and the combination of story and paint make an extraordinary presentation.
Martel was born in France, moved to New York as a teenager and graduated from The Cooper Union. She has been a cartoonist for The New Yorker Magazine, and published several books. She has also appeared in The New York Times and New York Review of Books.
Huguette lives and works in New York City.
Donkey, Oil on canvas, 7 x 5 inches
Blue-footed Booby, Oil on canvas, 7 x 5 inches
Gaot, Oil on canvas, 8 x 5 inches
Moose, Oil on canvas, 5 x 5 inches