Carrie Gustafson
Carrie Gustafson lives and works in the Boston area.
"My work is largely influenced by the natural world and I have come to view my studio time akin to cultivating a garden. A daily routine that is both an outlet for creative discovery and a space where I find balance. There is an organic rhythm to my process. Like an inhale and an exhale – inhaling my surroundings and exhaling life into new pieces.
A larger piece can take several weeks to complete and the seemingly simple act of hand cutting and applying stencils - one at a time – has led to great discovery. Watching the growth of new patterns and the interplay of positive and negative space is a creative journey in itself. My love of color is always present and glass – magical and radiant; made by way of breath’s imprint – retains importance as metaphor in my work".
Jaipur Mbola, Glass, 14 x 12 x 6.5 inches
Petal Bowl, Glass, 10 x 6 inches
Blossoming, Glass, 29 x 29 x 2.5 inches
Pebbles, Glass, 6.5 x 5 inches